Tuesday, 13 January 2015

2015 Goals

A (very) belated Happy New Year, everyone! Since this is my first post of 2015, it's only fitting that I should start with some goals for the year.

1) Query The Maid and the Crimson Blade

So I'm redrafting the query for this manuscript from scratch, and suffice to say it could well be THE END OF ME. Why is it so hard to write these things?! Crafting one of these babies is harder than writing the manuscript itself. It's safe to say I probably wasn't doing it right with my previous manuscript. However, I won't let this beast of a query beat me. I'll wrestle it into submission, and send it out into the world. And HOPEFULLY, someone will love my project. Hopefully.

2) Find time to read more books

Seriously, there are so many awesome books coming out this year that I don't even know how I'll fit them all in. I am most excited about Truthwitch by Susan Dennard, the fourth Throne of Glass book by Sarah J. Maas, and The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker. There are too many others to name, but I'll definitely be finding the time to read as many as I can. It's easy to get caught up in writing and forget to feed the muse.

3) Exercise more

I spend a lot of time huddled over my laptop, and I don't get up to stretch nearly enough. But since the start of the month, I've been making a conscious effort to do some kind of exercise every day. It's working out so far, but it IS only the 13th of January...

4) Draft something new

I brainstormed a new project the other day, and I'm keen to get started on it. But, I like to take the time to get a feel for characters before I start writing, so I'll chip away at an outline once I'm ready to query my current manuscript. I like to immerse myself in one project at a time, so the plot bunnies are going to have to sit tight for a while! And I drafted three manuscripts last year, two towards the end of the year, so I need time to recharge.

5) Never forget why I'm doing this

Editing a book into competitive shape is seriously tough. Writing a compelling query and synopsis is even harder. There's every chance that even when everything is as good as I can make it, no one will be interested in taking this project on. I won't lie, I'm...scared about querying this manuscript for some reason. I haven't felt like this before, so I've got no idea what it means. So, I'm trying to focus on how happy writing makes me, whether or not anyone offers representation.

And maybe, one day, someone will.

Here's to a happy and fulfilling 2015, everyone!


  1. Reading is so important for an author. Hope you accomplish all your goals and have a great year.
