Saturday, 19 December 2015

Looking Back on 2015, and 2016 Goals

So, after spending all afternoon working on an outline for my latest manuscript (yay!), I started thinking about my goals for 2015 - and what I'd love to achieve in 2016. In January, I promised myself that I would:


I didn't achieve this goal, but only because TMatCB is now HOUSE OF SMOULDERING TEARS. In brief, I picked TMatCB apart, kept my heroine and some of the other characters, threw them into a whole new world, and so HoST was born. In 2015, I learned how to accept when a manuscript isn't working. And, I gained the courage to burn said manuscript and forge a new one from the ashes, so to speak. I sound like my heroine! 

Sometimes, you have to let a manuscript go - or at least be daring enough to rewrite the thing. 

B) Find time to read more books

Yeah, I definitely made time to read more this year. I explored genres I wouldn't normally read, and branching out fuelled my creativity in unexpected ways.

C) Exercise more


D) Draft something new

I drafted HoST, half of another manuscript I'm shelving for now, and a few other random things. So yeah, I'm calling this a success!

E) Never forget why I'm doing this

This is a big one. I am a writer. It's what I love. I didn't forget that this year - not even once. 

So, goals for 2016:

A) Get an agent

I have literally no control over whether or not this happens, but publication is my dream and I'm determined to chase it this coming year. 

B) Draft two more books

I'm about to start a new manuscript - that's one draft. And, whatever happens with HoST, I'm working on the sequels. I adore the characters, the world...everything. At the very least, I'll rewrite HoST if need be. But, if HoST is simply not working, then I'll have something new to hopefully query later in the year. 

C) Never give up

Like I said, I have no control over what will happen with HoST, or anything else I write. But I will NOT give up on my dream. Achieving it is my only option - however long it takes! 

I wish you all a happy, healthy and successful 2016! 

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